Terms & Conditions

1. This is a quotation only and will not become a contract until all requirements of item 3 of these terms and conditions are met.

2. All prices quoted are based on materials being available and procurable through normal trade channels. Quotations are valid for 30 days only.

3. No job will commence without:
a) An authorisation email, and,
b) A 30% deposit for jobs above $1000
c) A further 30% deposit prior to installation for jobs above $7000
       Bankwest – Feature Fencing – BSB No: 306 188 – Account No: 0321216

4. This fence remains the property of FEATURE FENCING until full payment of the invoice price is received. The balance of the contract price is to be paid in full on delivery, pickup or installation, being the completion of the works (unless otherwise stated).

5. All expenses incurred by FEATURE FENCING to recover outstanding payments, including disbursements, debt collection fees and any legal fees, will be solely at the expense of the Customer. The debt shall carry interest at the rate of 16% per annum calculated and chargeable monthly from the date of default until actual payment.

6. Orders accepted by this company may only be cancelled in writing and only with the written consent of this company.
FEATURE FENCING reserves the right to claim for expenditure actually incurred, including the company time cost as the result of such contracts being received and cancelled, as the company deems necessary.

7. Although FEATURE FENCING will endeavour to meet deadlines, no responsibility or liability will be accepted for delays beyond the control of the company.

8. All products are warranted against faulty components and workmanship for a period of 12 months. It is recommended that hot-dip galvanising or aluminium is the product utilised for areas that are close to salt water bodies ie. oceans and rivers. Hot Dip Galvanising can result in a rough surface texture.

9. Every care and effort will be made to prevent damage to a customers’ property during the site works, however, FEATURE FENCING or any of its employees or sub-contractors cannot be held responsible or accept any liability or claim for damage during installation due to circumstances that could not have reasonably been foreseen by the Company. (Including reticulation pipe work or other underground pipe works and cabling)

10. The site area must be clean and accessible before any installation can be carried out, young children and pets should be kept away from site works at all times.

11. Pre-arranged installation times will be made by telephone prior to installation. Please ensure adequate power is available for use by our installer.

12. FEATURE FENCING recommends that all boundary fence lines are surveyed by a qualified surveyor prior to installation at the customer’s expense. No responsibility can be taken if this does not occur.

13. FEATURE FENCING does not seek applications for necessary local council/shire approvals for those fences that require approval.14. By accepting the contract by email, you, the Customer, agree to all the above Terms and Conditions.


Providing your fencing has been installed in a relatively saltwater-free area, your fencing will require very little care. We recommend regular cleaning depending on the environment with a high-pressure water spray (not bore water) or washing occasionally with warm water and a mild detergent. This will help to maintain its original colour and lustre. Just as your car duco will scratch and fade if neglected, so will your fence.

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